Turbidity Sensor Flow Cell TU810

Measuring Method: Nephelometric (ISO 7027 -EN 270207) TU810: LED IR based probe (PVC) Range: 0 to 4/40/400/4000 NTU Response Time: 10 Sec. Sample Temp.: 0 to 50°C TURBIDITY FLOW CELL (TU910): Flow Cell for TU810/ TU8105

Measuring Method: Nephelometric (ISO 7027 -EN 270207) TU810: LED IR based probe (PVC) Range: 0 to 4/40/400/4000 NTU Response Time: 10 Sec. Sample Temp.: 0 to 50°C TURBIDITY FLOW CELL (TU910): Flow Cell for TU810/ TU8105

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