Galvanic DO Sensor

Rugged Solid State TOSHCON-TOSHNIWAL Dissolved Oxygen sensor quick response, good accuracy measures dissolved oxygen and temperature (0-50°C) over long periods of time with little maintenance required. A dissolved oxygen electrode measurement how much oxygen is dissolved in a solution. As an indicator of quality, knowing the amount of free, non-compound oxygen in a product is important for many types of labs, including those involved in pharmaceutical research, food & beverage quality control, or environmental monitoring. We manufacture galvanic electrodes for accurate DO measurements in a wide range of laboratory applications.

Rugged Solid State TOSHCON-TOSHNIWAL Dissolved Oxygen sensor quick response, good accuracy measures dissolved oxygen and temperature (0-50°C) over long periods of time with little maintenance required. A dissolved oxygen electrode measurement how much oxygen is dissolved in a solution. As an indicator of quality, knowing the amount of free, non-compound oxygen in a product is important for many types of labs, including those involved in pharmaceutical research, food & beverage quality control, or environmental monitoring. We manufacture galvanic electrodes for accurate DO measurements in a wide range of laboratory applications.

- Direct Measurement of DO in Air.
- Rapid Response.
- Rugged Solid State Sensors (No need of membrane replacements).
- No Re-filling solutions required.
- Suitable for Laboratory application.
- DO is widely used in laboratories for experiments involving biological processes where maintaining a specific oxygen concentration.
- In clinical laboratories, some important applications where DO play a vital role that involve the measurement of oxygen concentrations wastewater treatment, production, bio-reactions, and environmental water monitoring.
- Applications for dissolved oxygen measurement include processes where the amount of oxygen affects a reaction rate or process efficiency, or indicates an environmental condition.
- It’s available with 3-meters cable length.
- Available with BNC & 2x Banana Plugs.

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